Jonathan's Blog

The Trouble with Questions


Jonathan Fries

Jonathan Fries

I work for Techtonic as the leader of the software delivery group. I am a Certified Scrum Product Owner.

The Trouble with Questions

Posted by Jonathan Fries on .

The Trouble with Questions

Posted by Jonathan Fries on .

As a developer or designer you are responsible for asking questions and you are responsible for asking the right questions.

A product owner or client is responsible for the answers.

An unasked question probably won't be answered. You may get lucky, but you can't rely on that.

If you are responsible for the questions, you should know the questions you begin with and you should never be satisfied with them.

As a developer or designer your list of questions needs to keep growing and changing, the more questions the better.

You will uncover more questions. If a question you uncover frightens you, best to ask it as soon as you can.

Jonathan Fries

Jonathan Fries

I work for Techtonic as the leader of the software delivery group. I am a Certified Scrum Product Owner.

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