Jonathan's Blog

Jonathan's Blog

Mindful Leadership and Technology


Mindfulness Leadership

Mindfulness: Professional Development at the Core of Professional Development

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Mindfulness is key professional development that lies at the core of all other professional development.

Do you want the focus to make the most of your time?

Mindfulness improves focus by training the mind to focus.

Do you want the positive intent to overcome obstacles?

Mindfulness helps you avoid the negativity bias and focus on what is in your control.

Do you want the self-awareness to see that most obstacles are really perceived obstacles that exist inside yourself?

Mindfulness is self-awareness. As you become more self-aware you become more conscious of what obstacles are real and which are the ones you put up for yourself. This lets you focus energy on real obstacles and overcoming them.

Do you want the emotional maturity to handle stressful situations?

Mindfulness helps you understand and work better with your emotions and stress.

Do you want the inner strength to set your own direction?

Mindfulness provides you with the tools to manage your inner resources.

The more I am involved with mindfulness practice, the more it seems like this is where you should be starting your education and development. What else gives you these types of benefits?

Begin by knowing yourself - this is neither Eastern nor Western, but simply true.


Influence Questions Leadership


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You're accountable for the answer to the question that you knew you should ask, even if you chose not to ask it.

It may be that you were the only person smart, good, or experienced enough to ask it. So, if no one else asks, then you must do it.

Sometimes the key to having influence is asking difficult questions. The answers may be hard, but you ask anyway.

Unasked questions usually find a way to answer themselves sooner or later.


Technology Leadership


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When I want an egg, I don't want something that is not an egg.

Eggs don't have labels on them that say 'EGG'. They are still eggs.

Someone can put the label 'EGG' on a rock, but that doesn't make it an egg.

Most rocks don't carry the label 'NOT EGG' on it. This also does not make them eggs.

It might be that I find a whole bunch of egg-shaped things labeled 'EGG' where there were only rocks before. If this happens I promise I will run some tests before I start lowering the price of omelettes.


What's this all about then?

Well, I found something on Google. It was clearly generated content that was generated poorly. It is a very high search result for the thing I was looking for.

Google isn't responsible for that, I realize.

It just makes me wonder why someone spends money (they clearly spent some money to build this thing) that is untested and wrong. Why do you do that?


Creativity Leadership CMS Google Cloud Datastore

Using Google Datastore for Content Management

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I have a small site I am building with my kids. It's a simple site based around a story that we've been working on together. I'll provide a link to it, though it is not professional looking, polished, or completely working.

The point of bringing it up is two-fold -

  1. It's the next step I'm taking related to the creative exercise I mentioned last week.
  2. I'm using Google Cloud Datastore for some basic content management.

For number 1 the basic idea is to show them things like you can own a domain name and you can create HTML pages and here is a way to do something more with those creative ideas than just write them down. It's a little bit interactive.

For number 2 I've been leveraging Google Datastore (a really simple data storage mechanism from Google) to store small blurbs of text, references to images, and a little bit of HTML. The site can then pull this stored content with some basic API calls.

It's a nice way to get some simple content management for a very inexpensive price (free!), which I could see using on a single page site, basic site, or even integrated with a simple application.

It does not have as nice of features as Contentful, but it's a bit simpler and faster. Features that it lacks are: previewing HTML, management of unpublished content, and nice integration with uploaded media. So you wouldn't want to hand a back-end like this to (most) marketing departments, but for a technical person or someone willing to learn it is fine.

What I'm building is a fast, bare-bones kind of a thing, so I don't care if I have any of the nice content management stuff. The site is Chuckles The Dirt-Chip Muffin. It's probably more violent than what is appropriate for a 7 year-old and a 9 year-old, but it was their idea and we are enjoying working on it together.



Time Zones

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I look forward to a world where time zones are the most meaningful separators of human beings. And they can be quite significant when someone is a world (or half a world) away.

We all can't occupy the same space for scientific reasons, but national boundaries, ethnicity, religion, and (increasingly)language are things that don't have to drive a wedge between us.

This doesn't mean you have to stop being proud of who you are or where your ancestors came from.

Space and time must separate us. Everything else is a choice.


Creativity Leadership

A Creative Exercise

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If you have kids, make up a bed time story for them every night.

I have been trying to do this for 5 years.

I certainly haven't succeeded in doing it every night (my guess would be that I do it about 60% of the time), and many of the stories won't win any literary awards.

But its a great challenge.

It forces you to think creatively, it let's you tell stories you want your kids to hear, it shows them that you place a premium on creativity, and it's a opportunity to spend a little additional time with them.

Also, you'll surprise yourself with what you can come up with.

Good luck!