Leadership Mindfulness
Personal Energy and Leadership - How Are You Feeling Today?
As I've mentioned in the last couple posts I'm reading Dr. Alan Watkins' Coherence: The Secret Science of Brilliant Leadership. It explores the connections between body and mind in detail as it relates to business leadership and management.
This is a subject matter that I've written about extensively on this blog.
The book has a lot of insights based on Dr. Watkins extensive medical and consulting work with business leaders, as well as brining together a lot of other science related to behavior and personal growth.
It's a powerful book and worth reading, even if you aren't interested in mindfulness or meditation. If you're interested in being a more effective leader, this book is for you, though it will almost certainly challenge your preconceived notions of what leadership consists of; how one approaches making improvements as a leader, and what a leadership book consists of.
You have never read anything like it.
One of the primary, liberating insights of this book is that time management is unimportant comapred with energy management. Our ability to be our best selves, project constructive energy, and unlock the discretionary efforts of ourselves and others is what matters as a leader in business. Managing a calendar pales in comparison to this.
How do you do this? And what are the revelatory insights presented?
You probably need to read the book to really understand them, but I will give you a brief glimpse.
Before you even begin to look at behavior or think about business results, you must consider the physiology and emotional components of our human bodies. Our higher brain functions and behavior rest on top of these foundations. If you ignore them then you are ignoring key pieces of the puzzle that affect our behavior and the behavior of others.
The book provides positive, concrete steps and exercises that can help you understand these things and use them to your advantage.
Give it a read, it is worth the time.

Jonathan Fries
I work for Techtonic as the leader of the software delivery group. I am a Certified Scrum Product Owner.