Jonathan's Blog

How are you doing?


Jonathan Fries

Jonathan Fries

I work for Techtonic as the leader of the software delivery group. I am a Certified Scrum Product Owner.

Mindfulness Gratitude Leadership

How are you doing?

Posted by Jonathan Fries on .

Mindfulness Gratitude Leadership

How are you doing?

Posted by Jonathan Fries on .

I am repurposing my answer.

It's always been a little strange to use this question in a business context. It is a polite greeting, a way of saying 'hi', but really 'hi and a little more'.

It isn't a brutally honest solicitation of a persons true feelings - most of the time.

Today, you could answer, "I'm feeling anxious." or "I'm nervous about the economy." and those would be honest answers. But they may not be what you want to project in that meeting.

And, it is now difficult to use 'fine' or 'good' the way we all used to, because you risk sounding dishonest or callous.

"What? You're fine? How can you be fine?"

Last week I decided that the best way to answer this question was to choose to answer positively, with a focus on gratitude.

So, when I attend a business meeting or sales call and someone says "How are you?" or "How are you doing?" my answer is that I'm grateful for something.

Grateful for my health.
Grateful my kids are learning at home.
Grateful that I have a job.
Grateful to be alive.
Grateful that it is spring out and the sun is shining.

All of these are true and are much more meaningful and uplifting to me than 'fine' anyway.

I may just keep doing it when Covid is less present in our lives.

Hopefully a lot less present and that will be one more thing to be grateful for.

Jonathan Fries

Jonathan Fries

I work for Techtonic as the leader of the software delivery group. I am a Certified Scrum Product Owner.

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