Leadership Technology Art
Art Week - Post 1 - Art Made Entirely with CSS and HTML
I recently came across this image created entirely with css and html:

This is pretty amazing stuff. You can see the true css/html version here (the image above is just a captured image):
HTML and CSS are the guts of the web and they do a lot of neat things. Usually they're used to make menus, position buttons, display data, animate things, and do other heavy lifting tasks of the web.
Most people who wanted to make an image like this would go into a graphics or drawing program (or get out some paints) and draw the picture, which would then be converted to an image file.
What this artist (her name is Diana Smith) has done is to use the same technology developers and designers use to position a 'Save' button on a web page, and she's used it position every single strand of hair (and everything else), as well as color and shade all of it.
If you look closely you can even see veins in her skin.
This is incredible talent with this technology, and a willingness to do something more and see what a particular tool can really do.
It also shows the versatility and power of HTML and CSS to do almost anything when it comes to display and visuals on the web.
As a leader ask yourself, "Do I ask enough of myself and those around me? Am I prepared to put this type of discretionary effort to my own work and art?"

Jonathan Fries
I work for Techtonic as the leader of the software delivery group. I am a Certified Scrum Product Owner.